Thursday, January 7, 2010


Sorry it's been SO LONG since I posted anything. I was pregnant and sick, then sick of being pregnant, and now I'm busy chasing around two three year olds and holding, kissing, snuggling and loving this little guy...

But, I have been cooking a bit, and have a few fun things up my sleeve to share soon.

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season!

P.S. Happy Birthday Jay-Dub! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hallelujah! I am glad you are back in action! I do have a favor to ask. Can you replicate the Cheese Zombie we all know and love from Middle/High School? That is your task, if you choose to accept it, which I hope you will. The kids will love them!

    Your kids are super cute! I will have to visit soon. (And thanks for the Birthday wishes!)
