Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Who are you?

I started this blog because I found myself forwarding on a lot of recipes to my mom and other people as I tried new recipes. I put a counter at the bottom of the page, just because I was curious to see if anyone was really looking at it. Is my mom looking at this page tons, or do I have other visitors? Leave me a comment and let me know! If you don't have a google account, you can still leave a comment, just try! It would be fun for me to see who checks my blog. Do you have any comments on the food? Is anyone trying these recipes? Any suggestions of recipes you would like to see? Let me know!


  1. You mentioned this blog on your other one, and since I always thought you were a good cook, I have been keeping up on this blog. I haven't yet tried anything, but I have my sights set on a few. Yummy! Thanks for the great recipes. - Amanda Davis

  2. I'm guilty. I guess I don't leave comments because I would feel redundant! So, I'll say this for all of them: They all look sooooo yummy and I can't wait to try them! As for the apple cheesecake, oh my. My mouth won't stop watering! I just may have to attempt. Never done cheesecake before...I leave that up to you!:) But this one looks extra amazing! I'm so excited that you do this blog...I can't imagine how much time and effort it must take, but I appreciate it! Keep 'em coming!

  3. Hey Aubri! I love your blog....I love to see what your making. And sometimes when I'm lucky, I even get a taste since I'm lucky enough to live across the street from you! Thanks for being a great friend & keey the recipes coming!

  4. I'm also one of your lurkers, even though I occasionally leave a comment. Cooking was never something I was all that interested in until I lived with you. After that I've been collecting cookbooks and trying new things! Thank you for your continued inspiration! I love your guts! =)

  5. Yeah! Thanks everyone! Let me know when you try stuff and what you think...or if you have any requests.

    Amanda--I still need an invite to your blog. We miss you!

    Emily--Be nice to me...and request the cheesecake for your birthday dinner...and I'll think about making it for you :) KIDDING! I don't need an excuse to make that again!

    Jenny--Thanks for letting me borrow your bread pan and keep it for days...I'll bring that back soon! And, thanks for watching my Abby...You're a great friend too :)

    Elisabeth--Love your guts too. We need to get together. I miss you!

  6. Your Grandma gave me your site so I could try the Pumpkin Dip. Is your Chocolate Popcorn here somewhere? Now thats great stuff! Sherry

  7. Hi Sherry,
    Thanks for taking good care of my grandma. I haven't posted chocolate popcorn yet. But, I can! Thanks for making a request. Chocolate Popcorn is so easy and yummy!

  8. I made your baked spaghetti the other night. Thanks for the easy dinner! Still waiting for an occasion to make the Heath bar cake which sounds ridiculously delicious.

  9. I'm here too! I tried that Spagetti casserole one, but I didn't have mozzerella cheese but everything else at home. I had asiago cheese and some italian cheese mix. I used that and it was great! I really want to try the eggplant one that I still haven't tried! And Cheesecake for Emily's birthday dinner sounds yummy! Make it anyway.

  10. I just found your blog and so far love it! - thanks for having it public!

  11. hi I'm Jill I live in utah. I saw one of ur recipies on pintrest then ended up on this blog. I email a bunch of them to myself for later use. They sound sooo good and my style and flavors of cooking. Thank u for sharing them!
